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Ladybug Beads

25 Beads Per Strand

To place an order please download this excel document and fill in the beads you wish to purchase.
Email the order to applegatelapidary@volcano.net

Click any image for a larger view. Colors may be slightly different on your monitor



Red Gold

Opaline LIme Gold

Angel Wings | Barrels | Bicone | Butterfly | Cancer Awareness Ribbons | Cat Faces | Cathedral | Charlottes | Chicklet | Cinibun | Daggers | Dice | Disk | Double Cone | Drops | Flat Drops | Flowers | Hearts | Herringbone | LadyBug | Leaves | Pinch | Round | Shamrock | Shield | Square | Stars | Tear Drop | Twist Facet | Vintage

Fire Polish
3mm | 4mm | 6mm | 8mm | 10mm



Baby Rollers | Facet | Smooth

Puffy Rondells
2 x 3 | 3 x 5 | 4 x 7 | 6 x 9 | 7 x 11